What is a smooth limb ?
With social media and nonstop information, everything moves faster, but unfortunately, we sometimes encounter certain beliefs and 'fake news,' which can make it challenging to sort through everything. Archery isn't immune to this either...
One topic that often comes up with a lot of misconceptions is the smoothness of bow limbs.
People say things like, 'Carbon limbs are smoother than wooden ones,' or 'Carbon-foam is smoother than carbon-wood,' etc.
It's only the profile of the limb (its curvature) that determines its smoothness. The material it's made from doesn't influence its smoothness. With the same size and curvature, you won't find any difference in smoothness between wooden and foam limbs. At Uukha, all the limbs in the S-curve range share the same curvature, which is why the smoothness is identical across all models (Sx50, Sx80, Sx100, Sx+, Gobi, Selenga, Uureg, Altai).
How do we know?
We test EVERYTHING: every material and every possible combination. We've also verified this by testing various limbs available on the market.
Thanks to these numerous tests and results, we can confirm the technical and mechanical qualities of our limbs.
How do we measure smoothness?
We assess the power of our setup inch by inch and chart curves for comparison.
What is a smooth limb?
Factor's key is the percentage increase in power during the last few inches of draw. If rate is higher than 6%, the limb is not considered smooth. Most laminated limbs experience about a 5% power increase in final inch. In contrast, our S-Curve limbs only show a 3.5% increase in power in the last inch, making them particularly smooth due to their unique profile.
For example, let's compare limbs of same 32# power: a rate of 5% represents an increase in power of 1.5# over the last few inches. And a rate of 3.2% means a 1# increase in power over the last few inches.
And so, what are your limbs like?
#Technology #Smoothornotsmooth?