How do I fine-tune the plunger ?

6 déc. 2024

After covering how to simplify the adjustment of your plunger, let’s wrap up this tricky topic with part 2:

How to make precise adjustments to your plunger button? 


The plunger serves a dual purpose: guiding the arrow and minimizing oscillations it may experience in flight, especially right after leaving bow.

You know, when arrow "wiggles" at start? A properly adjusted plunger will help "straighten" the arrow as quickly as possible.

(Of course, these adjustments only work if your arrows are properly matched and shot with consistent technique.)

The "5m by 5m" Test

This test is a great way to fine-tune your plunger button adjustment.

This adjustment requires you to step back as far as possible - ideally 35-40 meters at minimum (depending on your bow’s power). If you have an extra foam layer, place it under your target as a precaution.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

First, adjust your sight for a distance between 15 and 20 meters. Once set, do not touch it during the entire adjustment phase - neither vertically or horizontally.

Then, attach a visual marker at the top of the target to ensure consistency in your aim.

Shoot your first arrow at 5-7 meters on your visual marker.  

Shoot a second arrow at 10 meters, then a third at 15 meters, a fourth at 20 meters, and continue this pattern.
(Do not adjust your sight at any point during this process - leave both the vertical and horizontal settings untouched ⛔️.)

Keep your aim consistent with the visual marker placed at the top of the target. Stop increasing distance once your arrows approach the bottom of the target, to avoid damaging or losing them.

If you shoot an arrow poorly or feel the shot wasn’t convincing, don’t hesitate to shoot another one. Precision in this test is key.

Based on the observed pattern, adjust your plunger button according to the suggested corrections for each grouping scenario.

After making the necessary adjustments to your plunger button, repeat this test as many times as needed to achieve a perfectly straight line of arrows on the target.

Once you’ve achieved this straight line, you’re done !  Don’t touch anything - your plunger is now perfectly tuned ! 

Happy shooting! 🏹😊

How do I fine-tune the plunger ?